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MATFLIX: a resource for everyone

For those who are familiar with and the festivals, you will be aware of the educational resource that is MATFLIX – video streaming from Maternity Experts.

When curating and preparing the box sets we try to consider the different uses for the box sets. There are over 60 box sets available and, in this article, we would like to draw attention to some of the sets and plans going forward.

If you are unfamiliar you may wish to look at a previous article, MATFLIX: your questions answered,  to understand what MATFLIX box sets can do for you and your personal development. 


For Students

Many universities now hold a licence for the MATFLIX box sets, which means that they are accessible for students to use for personal learning.

There are over 60 individual topics that are relevant around practice issues, such as Antenatal Screening’,Care in Labour‘ and ‘Neonatal Postnatal Care’. There are specific sets too that introduce midwifery to aspiring midwives, ‘Looking to be a student midwife‘, and one for students, ‘Being a Student Midwife’.

The box sets (of 4 – 5 presentations) of short (15 – 30 min presentations) consider aspects relevant, such as Understanding of the Standards of Education’ andPreparing for Interviews’.

Box sets related to midwifery careers also highlight opportunities students can follow in the future.


For Educators

The availability in universities through online portals provides educators across many professions a resource for ‘flipping the classroom’ with the box sets to creating bespoke teaching with access to the full catalogue.

Considering aspects such as ‘Developing cultural competence’ and ‘Promoting respect and compassionate are important’ for students to understand.

Keeping educators up-to-date is also important and there are box sets specifically for strengthening educational practice, such as ‘Developments in Educational Practice’ and ‘Student education experiences‘.

Throughout the catalogue there are many talks related to The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the midwifery education standards that will be relevant for both students and educators going forward. 


For Practice Educators

A significant number of NHS Trusts in the UK have obtained the licence.

This means that the resources are available for Practice Educators to use to provide for all staff to access particular box sets for ‘flipped learning’ or for discussion in face to face sessions.

Box sets are available on ‘Preceptorship, Developing as a newly qualified midwife’, and developing ‘Preceptorship Support’, which can help to create your own programmes for new midwives on the team.

Clinical aspects such as Newborn screening and assessment, Choice and Decision making, and Care for Obstetric anal sphincter injury are covered, Birth trauma and aspects of pregnancy loss are also highlighted – all already in use for educating staff at Trusts that have the subscription.  


For Midwifery Leaders

Education for leadership box sets are available.

This includes aspects of creating new services such as Managing birth services’ or Building mental health services’ as well as Leading change in practice’.

The Inspiring leadership box set highlights those who have made changes and improvements across the profession. 

In addition, there are box sets specific for those who work across Ireland, for example “Use of Water in Labour and Birth’ is addressed. 


Going forward

In the pipeline are new topics, with box sets released on a fortnightly basis.

Box sets next to be released include:

  • ‘Babies with congenital anomalies’
  • ‘Out of Guidance’ care and choice’
  • Complex Maternal Circumstances’
  • ‘Quality Improvement’
  • ‘Considering care specific for rural areas’ is also coming, as requested by some midwife educators. 

As we develop these further, we would like your feedback.

How are you using the box sets?

What topics do you need for your practice and revalidation purposes?

If you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to contact the team at [email protected].

If you would like any bespoke sets, we can also support filming – or you would be welcome to join in any of the Maternity and Midwifery Festivals throughout the UK and Ireland or our global weekly live-stream, The Maternity and Midwifery Hour,  and be added to a set in the future.

Sign up for our free webinar, join online or sign up to get the on demand copy.


New midwifery resources – Making the most of MATFLIX

Online webinar: Wednesday 21 August

Time: 1-1.30pm (30 mins)

Register free: register your complimentary place here

Jenny Hall

Editor, Maternity and Midwifery Forum;

Curator, MATFLIX

August 2024