Maternity & Midwifery Forum

All-Ireland Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2025 – 8 April

The All-Ireland Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2025 takes place on Tuesday 8 April online and in-person at the Crowne Plaza, Dublin. _________________________________________________ Maternity services are at a turning point across Ireland. 2025 sees an opportunity for change across all of Ireland. What will follow the HSE years 2022 – 25......

Exploring support and care for fathers following perinatal loss: A Theatre Forum Event

Are you interested or participating in support and care for fathers following perinatal loss? Dr Kerry Jones, Senior lecturer in end-of-life care at the Open University, invites participants to a forum theatre event as part of a research project that aims to explore ways of providing care. _________________________________________________   The......

Midwifery Education: what is the future?

Midwifery education in the UK has undertaken many changes in recent years. Nicky Clark, Lead Midwife for Education, University of Hull, reveals her journey of changes and expresses concern for the future. _________________________________________________ I was so proud when I became a qualified midwife teacher at the tender age of 29.......

Looking beyond the Visual Difference at birth

Ruth Lester OBE FRCS, Retired Consultant Plastic Surgeon and trustee for the REACH charity Congenital differences of the upper limb are a rare disorder, and midwives may only see a handful of babies with this condition during their professional lifetime. However, parents’ experience of receiving the news that their baby......

Maternity’s Big Ask – Have your say

Recently Neil Stewart, Editorial Director of Maternity & Midwifery forum posted an article on Maternity’s Big Ask where he asked the Secretary of State for Health if he is resigned and comfortable with the rate of Caesarean section reaching 50% on his watch and questioned what is the Big Ask......

Words and actions – consequences changing the course of history

Have you stopped to consider the effect of your words or actions as a midwife? Everything has consequences. Jenny Hall, Matflix and Midwifery Forum editor asks us to consider the impact of our practice. __________________________________________________________________   Everything has consequences. You may have heard of the quote where Edward Lorenz stated......