Childbirth Trauma - Emma Mathews and Helen Smith, Perinatal Mental Health Midwives, Antenatal Clinic, Women and Children’s Division, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust...
The first 1000 days... a unique opportunity. Claire Allan, Modern Matron - Inpatient Services and Claire Croxall, Modern Matron - Intrapartum Care, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust....
Visit The Practising Midwife online and Prepare for practice with our interactive eLearning modules, Develop your practice, skills and knowledge by reading our expert articles and Share – stay in touch and up-to-date with our community zone and blogs. Read the Article of the Month and test your knowledge and understanding......
Francine Bates, Chief Executive of The Lullaby Trust and Co-Chair of the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group, highlights free resources available for midwives and other health professionals to tackle smoking in pregnancy. Although rates have declined in recent years, around one in ten women still smoke at the time their......
Professor Dunkley-Bent’s high profile comes from the key leadership role that is her day job at the top of the NHS in England. You can here her as keynote speaker on “Better Births” at the Maternity Midwifery and Baby 2016 conference and exhibition in Manchester by clicking here. Appointed Head of Maternity......
Ever since I became a midwife, things have been changing, in line with the old adage “the only thing that is constant is Change” (Hericlitus of Ephesus)! As we draw towards the end of 2016, it has been useful to reflect on some of the most recent changes, and to......
GE Healthcare on behalf of Monica Healthcare showcased the Monica Novii Wireless Patch System at Premier Inc.’s 2016 annual Breakthroughs Conference. Monica’s Novii System is one of the medical innovations that was showcased in front of thousands of healthcare providers at Premier Inc.’s 2016 Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition on June......
MyPregnancy@ is an easy-to-use app that provides pregnant women with patient information from your hospital. The MyPregnancy@ app enables women and their partners to have fast, easy access to the most up-to-date versions of all your information leaflets. In addition to saving on printing costs, the app is free to......