Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Conversations around Race, Racism and ’Unconscious Bias’

Benash Nazmeen, Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and Illiyin Morrison, Founder of Mixing up Motherhood; Midwife; Hypnobirthing teacher and Mum discuss Conversations around race, racism and ’unconscious bias’: moving from rhetoric to changing ourselves, our environment and our practice at the London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2021....

Join thousands of midwives already registered to issue digital maternity exemption certificates

Almost 7,500 healthcare professionals have now signed up to be able to send digital certificates. Midwives, practice nurses and health visitors can register to issue digital maternity exemption certificates on the NHS Business Services Authority website. Pregnant women and mothers with a baby under a year old need a maternity......

LIVE STREAM: Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2021

Welcome to the Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Online Festival 2021! The Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2021 will be live streamed on this page on Tuesday 20th April 2021. A day of leadership, education and clinical updates to keep you abreast of the latest developments and innovations in maternity &......

Better Births – Five years on

Last week saw the celebratory meeting online to report on the fifth year of progress of the Better Births maternity transformation for England. For those unfamiliar with Better Births, back in 2015 a country-wide consultation process took place to consider how maternity service could be improved after the revelations from......

Virtual Conference: Group B Strep in Pregnancy & Babies

The Group B Strep in Pregnancy & Babies Virtual Conference takes place on Wednesday 2nd June 2021. View the full programme here and book your conference tickets here. Group B Strep is usually a harmless bacterium and carrying it has no symptoms. However, when passed to a baby around birth,......