Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Candidiasis and Mastitis during breastfeeding research project- your help needed

Cato Baetens

Candidiasis and Mastitis are a common condition during breastfeeding. Yet there is little evidence on healthcare providers knowledge. Cato Baetens from the University of Brussels (VUB), is undertaking a Masters level project and invites European health carers to respond to a survey. 


Do you want to support research in the field of breastfeeding and also raise breastfeeding support to a higher level? It is possible!  

From the University of Brussels (VUB), I, Cato Baetens, am currently conducting research for my Master’s level thesis, under the supervision of Joke Muyldermans and Prof. Eline Tommelein, into the European perspective and the existing knowledge of European healthcare providers regarding the diagnosis and treatment of Candidiasis and Mastitis during breastfeeding and the new mastitis protocol of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.  

Mastitis and candidiasis are common maternal complications during breastfeeding and contribute to pain and discomfort, leading to premature termination of breastfeeding. Due to a general lack of knowledge about breastfeeding and breastfeeding problems among the healthcare providers involved, the diagnosis and treatment of conditions from the mastitis spectrum and candidiasis is complicated. So far, there is little knowledge about the knowledge of healthcare providers about breastfeeding-related problems. The limited evidence on healthcare providers’ knowledge of breastfeeding-related problems, such as mastitis and candidiasis, underscores the importance of conducting surveys and research in this area.  

In addition, the ABM functions as a US organization and the development of the protocol is primarily based on US research, US practice and treatment options. Therefore, the generalizability of the protocol can’t be assumed in the European context. Adapting a US diagnostic and treatment protocol for use in Europe requires careful consideration of factors such as professional training and practices, differences in healthcare systems and availability of resources. The availability of medical resources, technology, and medications may differ between the US and Europe, which affects the feasibility and effectiveness of a treatment protocol.  



This study was approved by the Ethics Committee. The questionnaire takes a maximum of 15 minutes to complete. All answers are processed anonymously (no link back to your personal file is possible) and will only be used in the context of this study. We would like to clarify that the intention is not to make a judgement, but rather to get an idea of the needs in order to adapt future research accordingly.   

You can use this link or scan the QR code. The questionnaire is available in English or Dutch. 

If you have any further questions about this research, please contact [email protected], who represents the project. 

This link may certainly be further distributed to other colleagues or organizations who are interested in participating. 

Thanks in advance for your participation,  

Cato Baetens, Joke Muylermans, Prof. Eline Tommelein  

Faculty of Pharmacology  

University of Brussels 

December 2024