Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Midwifery Feature Articles

Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Chief Midwife for the ICM: Reflections and insights

We are privileged to have Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent OBE, the first Chief Midwife for the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), write this week’s article and speak on the Midwifery Hour. She reflects on her role and highlights the importance of strengthening midwifery across the world. _________________________________________________ As the first Chief......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Midwifery at UNESCO: celebrating and lifting-up

UNESCO has added midwifery to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Jenny Hall, Midwifery editor, explains what this means and invites us all to celebrate and raise the profile of midwifery.   _________________________________________________ In early December members of the United nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) met for the 18th......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Understanding sexual offences and referral pathways for midwives

Midwives work in many settings– Rachel Murray, Clinical Nurse- Midwife manager and Forensic Midwife Examiner for sexual offences, Bristol, shares information around sexual offences and why midwives should be aware of referral pathways. NB: trigger warning. The article contains some graphic detail.   _________________________________________________ Understanding Sexual offences and referral pathways for......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Things can get better

2023 was a challenging year for maternity and midwifery services in the UK globally. Neil Stewart, Editorial Director for the maternity and midwifery forum reflects on what has been happening and looks forward to things improving in 2024.  _________________________________________________ So farewell to 2023, a depressing year for the standing of......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

… and welcome 2024! 

Maternity and Midwifery Hour is a regular weekly online event available live and on-demand, discussing all things midwifery! It is now entering its ninth season. Sue Macdonald, as curator for both the Maternity and Midwifery festivals and Midwifery Hour, reflects on the last year, and the one just beginning. _________________________________________________......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Black and Asian women’s experiences of stillbirth or neonatal death: The MBRRACE-UK Perinatal confidential Enquiry

  This week MBRRACE-UK has released a new Perinatal Confidential Enquiry, which is an overview of comparison of care reviews at MBRRACE, for Black and Asian women who have experienced a still birth or neonatal death in comparison to their white counterparts (Draper et al 2023). Benash Nazmeen, Assistant Professor......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised


  At the end of November the #Saynotobullyinginmidwifery anti bullying Facebook support group published a report/book containing accounts from the group members after being asked the question “Why do Midwives leave?” Amanda Burleigh, on behalf of the authors, shares the background to the project. _________________________________________________ The #Saynotobullyinginmidwifery Facebook group was......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Pregnancy in prison: campaign update

In recent years there has been a concerted effort to raise awareness about the plight of pregnant women and birthing people in prison settings, following the tragic death of two babies. As a follow-up to a previous article, Janey Starling from Level Up shares an update on the campaign and......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Safeguarding Competency in Preceptorship

In a previous article Gaynor Morrison and Sharon Bunford introduced Safeguarding supervision in midwifery. They take the discussion further, exploring developing competency of safeguarding during preceptorship.  _________________________________________________ This article aims to highlight three main identified tiers of provision of Safeguarding within an Acute NHS Trust to promote cohesion and aid......