Maternity & Midwifery Forum



Stepping into overseas working

Working in another country may be something you have considered. In this article Olivia Hill, midwife and founder of Aulive Ltd, shares her experience of relocating to Australia, and describes some of the differences in midwifery care.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________    Stepping into overseas working   I’m not sure ‘stepping’ is the......

Supporting international midwives

There is a current NHS policy to increase recruitment of internationally educated midwives. In this article Oluwaseyi Akinlaja, Consultant Midwife, The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Harlow, addresses some of the needs of these midwives, with guidance on how Trusts can help.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________  Supporting international midwives Shortage of nurses and......

Electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation strategy in pregnancy

The use of electronic cigarettes has been continuing to rise globally. The impact on pregnancy is less known. In this article Amy Broadfield MRes BSc explores the evidence around their use in pregnancy to help midwives provide the best information.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________  Electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation strategy in pregnancy There has been......

Eating Disorders

This week has been marked as Eating Disorders Awareness week. The prevalence of different forms of Eating Disorders are increasing and being recognised and may have a significant impact during pregnancy.  In this article Deanne Jade, Founder, The National Centre for Eating Disorders, provides information on how different disorders may......

Understanding the Womb

How much do you know about the functioning of the womb? In this article Leah Hazard, midwife and author discusses her new book, Womb: The Inside Story of Where We All Began, and provides insight into why it is important for midwives to know more about this important organ.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ......

Congratulations to all London Maternity and Midwifery Awardees 2023

The London Maternity and Midwifery Awards seen 14 winners and commendees on 7th February. The Awards celebrated outstanding achievement and commitment to maternity and midwifery services over the past year.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________  Congratulations to all London Maternity and Midwifery Awardees 2023 Narrowcast Media Group produced, filmed and live streamed the Awards Ceremony......

Nicolette Peel MBE (1972-2023)

At the end of January, we were sad to hear of the death of Nicolette Peel MBE. She was involved in campaigning for better awareness of cancer in pregnancy, and became a midwife as well as helping found the charity Mummy’s Star. Here Pete Wallroth, CEO and founder of the......

Breastfeeding and Medication: do they mix?

The information on whether to take medication when breastfeeding is often confusing. As a result, women may want to stop medication or feel forced into stopping breastfeeding. In this article Wendy Jones PhD MRPharmS MBE, pharmacist dispels some of the myths and points to resources to help midwives give the......

Our Shared Fight: In Celebration and Commemoration of LGBTQIA+ History Month

February is LGBTQIA+ history month. In this powerful article Dr Alys Einion, FRCM, Assistant Professor, Northumbria University and Editor-in-Chief, The Practising Midwife Journal, calls for promoting justice for all during pregnancy and beyond and the importance of the role of the midwife.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________  Our Shared Fight: In Celebration and Commemoration......