Positive about Down syndrome provides the lived experience that expectant and new parents crave to access. We have a very honest, non judgemental closed group on Facebook – Great Expectations where women with a high chance/confirmed result of baby having Down syndrome can expect a warm welcome. With an admin team comprising of midwives, neonatal and paediatric nurses we are also able to answer general queries/signpost women to further relevant information. We recently collaborated with St George’s University Hospital to produce a care pathway for expectant women which we would urge all maternity units to adopt.
Our closed New Parents group has over 600 parents in the UK of a baby with Down syndrome, a place where they can ask any question, share any worries or concerns, and know that they are in a safe supportive forum, with fantastic peer support as well as experts on hand to answer specific questions.
PADS provides resources to maternity units across the UK including copies of our book #NobodyToldMe the truth about Down syndrome. We also deliver online training around sharing the news baby has/may have Down syndrome, the language to use and the support we can provide to both parents and medical professionals.
We provide support to breastfeeding mothers and have a PADS Heart Buddy scheme to those families whose little one is awaiting heart surgery.
Anything you would like to know about Down syndrome – please drop us a line – we are here to work with you to ensure every expectant and new parent of a baby with Down syndrome has access to the information and support they deserve.