Watch live from 09:30 on Tuesday 7th February 2023
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At various points during the festival you have a choice of different parallel seminar streams to participate in.
Please use the links below to access these seminars at the appropriate time, check the agenda for full details of all parallel seminars. If you are joining Stream B, Stream C or Stream D on Zoom please remember to close the live stream page or mute the video player, otherwise you will get audio from both streams simultaneously.
STREAM A: Available to view via the main live stream above.
Speaker presentation slides and other relevant festival documentation are available for delegates to access via the link below.
Access your London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2023 delegate resources here.
09.30 Chair’s opening remarks
Sue Macdonald, Maternity and Midwifery Festival Programme Curator; Editor, Mayes Midwifery
09.45 The past, present and future for midwifery and maternity services
Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent OBE, Chief Midwifery Officer, NHS England
10.10 Moving from disparity and inequality to quality, safe and listening maternity care
Sandra Igwe, CEO of The Motherhood Group; Author of My Black Motherhood; TedX Speaker and Workshop Facilitator
10.35 Audience Q&A
10:45 Break
11.25 Holding on: keeping human rights at the heart of maternity care
Saras Arulampalam, Training and Resources Lead, Birthrights
11.45 Transforming maternity care: compassionate leadership and collaboration
Dr Anna Byrom, CEO and Director and Sheena Byrom OBE, Director, All4Maternity
12.05 Audience Q&A
12:20: Announcement of the Maternity & Midwifery Forum Trailblazers Award Winners
12:30 Break
13:30 Parallel Seminars
A1: Hot topic for Practice Supervisors and Assessors: the new standards for pre-registration midwifery programmes
Dr Jacqui Williams, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Education), Professional Practice Directorate, Nursing and Midwifery Council
B1: Avoiding treatment failure with oral iron
Marie Louise, The Modern Midwife
C1: Red flags for episiotomy in midwife-led births
Jo Gould, LME, University of Brighton
D1: Careers development seminar: A hitchhikers guide to the midwifery universe – navigating a midwifery career without the satnav
Amanda Mansfield MBE, Fellow of the Royal College of Midwives; Interim Midwifery Advisor, Royal College of Midwives
14:05 Parallel Seminars
A2: Developing and implementing responsive perineal health service during COVID
Adebola Aroboto, FGM/Perineal Health Specialist Midwife, St George’s University Hospital NHS Trust
B2: Supporting families affected by hydrocephalus through pregnancy and diagnosis: information, awareness and peer support
Caroline Coates, Founder, Harry’s HAT – Hydrocephalus Awareness Trust and Victoria Glover, Service User and Journalist
C2: More than just keeping a baby cool – why the way we keep babies cool after they have died is important
Steph Wild, Bereavement Consultant & Relation-ship Manager, CuddleCot
D2: Meet The Expert talk – Nursing and Midwifery Council – your questions answered
Dr Jacqui Williams, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Education) and Verena Wallace CBE, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Policy) Professional Practice Directorate, Nursing and Midwifery Council
14:35 Break
15:10 Parallel Seminars
A3: Immunisation in pregnancy
David Green, Nurse Consultant for Immunisations, National Immunisation Team, UKHSA
B3: Community obstetric emergency training
Shona Montgomery, Programme Leader, Edinburgh Napier University
C3: Carbon conscious care: let’s talk sustainability in maternity
Jo Frame, Midwife, Clinical Fellow, Chief Nurses Office, NHS England, Chief Sustainability Officer’s Clinical Fellowship
D3: Career development session: Getting into education
Dr Jenny Hall, Midwifery Editor, Matflix & Maternity and Midwifery Forum
15:45 Parallel Seminars
A4: Did the mental burden of the COVID-19 pandemic and its association with parents’ stress levels and mental health affect parent-child bonding? A DREAMCORONA study
Dr Carmen Power, Researcher/Tutor/Writer, The Profs UK
B4: A service evaluation – pregnant women with sickle cell disease on an exchange blood transfusion programme at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Foundation Trust
Hilary Thompson, Clinical Research Midwife/Registered Nurse, Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust
C4: A discussion paper: Is a normal childbirth normal?
Damla Kaya, Postgraduate Researcher, University of Surrey
D4: Supporting Pregnant Migrant Women – Best Practice
Memuna Sowe, Interim Consultant Midwife, Maternity Unit, Croydon University Hospital NHS Trust
16.15 Festival closes
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Please complete the evaluation form below to receive your certificate of attendance and to help us plan for future maternity & midwifery festivals.
Complete and submit your online evaluation form. It is important to demonstrate continuing professional development for your revalidation so we ask you to complete this online evaluation form to demonstrate key learning outcomes from the day, engagement with our supporters and give your feedback for future festivals.
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