Watch live from 09:30 on Tuesday 4th July 2023
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At various points during the festival you have a choice of different parallel seminar streams to participate in.
Please use the links below to access these seminars at the appropriate time, check the agenda for full details of all parallel seminars. If you are joining Stream B or Stream C – these will open in a new window, Stream A will play on this page.
IMPORTANT: If you are joining Streams B or C please remember to close the live stream page or mute the video player, otherwise you will get audio from both streams simultaneously.
Speaker presentation slides and other relevant festival documentation are available for delegates to access via the link below.
Access your Northern Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2023 delegate resources here.
09:30 Chair’s opening remarks and welcome
Sue Macdonald, Maternity and Midwifery Festival Programme Curator and Editor, Mayes Midwifery
09:45 The nuts, bolts and pitfalls of continuity of care for maternity services
Professor Trixie McCaree, National Midwifery Lead for Continuity of Carer, NHS England/Improvement
10:10 Continuity of care – use it or lose it
Dr Jenny Hall, Midwifery Lecturer; Editor, Maternity and Midwifery Forum
10:35 Audience Q&A
10:45 Break
11:25 The Race Matters Initiative at the Royal College of Midwives
Rebecca Sobodu, Race Matters Midwife, The Royal College of Midwives
11:45 Lifelong implications of the Perinatal Period
Elaine Hanzak, Author of ‘Eyes without Sparkle – a journey through postnatal illness’ and ‘Another Twinkle in the Eye – contemplating another pregnancy after perinatal mental illness’
12:05 Audience Q&A
12:20: Announcement of the Northern Maternity & Midwifery Forum Trailblazers Award Winners
12:30 Break
13:30 Parallel Seminars
A1: The NMC: supporting communication with women and families
Dr Jacqui Williams, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Education), Nursing and Midwifery Council
B1: Immunisation awareness: protecting pregnant women and babies
David Green, Immunisation and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Division, UK Health Security Agency
14:05 Parallel Seminars
A2: Growing midwives: innovation and experience of preceptorship programmes
Nicole Rajan-Brown, newly qualified Midwife and Sarah Dixon, Preceptorship Midwife, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
B2: The PRIMA study: tools for postnatal perineal healing
Claire Lyon, Midwife and Postgraduate Student, Liverpool John Moores University
C2: Crucial first measurement
Caroline Coates, Chief Executive Officer, Harry’s Hydrocephalus Awareness Trust (Harry’s HAT) and Victoria Glover, Broadcast Journalist and Campaigner
14:35 Break
15:10 Parallel Seminars
A3: Researching stories of unknown childbearing: narrative themes and threads
Jane Rooney, Head of Children’s & Women’s Health; Lead Midwife for Education (LME), Edge Hill University
B3: Midwives at the heart of the battle – the creation of a toolkit for midwives about alcohol in pregnancy
Joanna Buckard, Director of Innovation, National FASD
C3: It could not have been more different.” Comparing perceptions of hospital-based birth and homebirth in Ireland
Soma Gregory, Research Assistant, Trinity College Dublin
15:45 Parallel Seminars
A4: The introduction of a specialist preterm birth midwifery team at Leeds Teaching Hospital
Lizzie Kilburn and Gemma Miller, Preterm Birth Specialist Midwives, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
B4: Your voice is heard: Maternity feedback service
Ashley Lamb and Cassandra Crayford, Patient Experience Midwives, and Hazel Styles, Midwife, East Kent Hospitals University Trust
C4: The lived experience of ethical dilemmas in conscientious objection to abortion
Jacqueline Richards, Midwife, Liverpool John Moores University
16.15 Festival closes
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Please complete the evaluation form below to receive your certificate of attendance and to help us plan for future maternity & midwifery festivals.
Complete and submit your online evaluation form. It is important to demonstrate continuing professional development for your revalidation so we ask you to complete this online evaluation form to demonstrate key learning outcomes from the day, engagement with our supporters and give your feedback for future festivals.
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If you are experiencing any issues and would like to speak to us please contact Paul Rushworth on +44 (0)7709 145 234 or email [email protected].