Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Instructions for Authors Maternity & Midwifery Forum


Submitting your article

• Please submit your article via the article submission page ( alternatively send a word document via email to: [email protected]

• All material submitted should be in English.

• Attach graphics separately. Photographs must be in JPEG or PNG format.


Our editorial process

• The Editor and the Editorial Director reserve the right to revise material or request amendments. The Maternity & Midwifery Forum Editorial Department reserves the right to amend material during production in accordance with Maternity & Midwifery Forum house style and the demands of space, layout, and so on.

• Proofs will be sent to the author designated, so that edited material can be reviewed before publication. Please keep corrections to a minimum and do not change editorial amendments made to Maternity & Midwifery Forum house style.

• All material is accepted for publication on the understanding that it has not been published before, or is not due for publication elsewhere, unless explicitly stated.

• Copyright in all languages and all media lies with the Publisher on acceptance for publication. The Publisher grants the author(s) the right to use the published article for personal use only, unless explicitly agreed.


Style and content

• In addition to a concise, informative title, the title page should also contain the following:

* The names of all authors, their job title and organisation

* The name, preferred contact email address and telephone number of the author responsible for correspondence concerning proofs and published article

• Articles should include an introduction and about five key points summarising the content; the use of subheads is encouraged to promote readability.

• Any statements that might be construed as being potentially defamatory must be avoided.

• Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their articles.


Patient consent

• Please obtain informed consent when submitting articles that include identifiable patient information.



• Only the help of those who have made substantial contributions to the article/report (excluding secretarial assistance) should be acknowledged.



• Statements and claims should be backed up with clear and appropriate primary references where relevant.

• Ideally, please cite no more than 10–15 references.