As the year draws to a close we have looked over our statistics from the last 12 months to put together our top 10 most viewed festival presentations of the year.
2022 has undoubtedly proved yet another very challenging year for Midwifery with continued staff shortages pushing the service to breaking point and the release of the Shrewsbury and Telford and East Kent reports leading to negative headlines throughout the year.
However the are some reasons to be cautiously optimistic with the number of midwives on the NMC register growing from 40,165 in April to 40,855 in September.
2022 also saw a full return to face to face and hybrid events and we were delighted to be able to deliver our full schedule of festivals througout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland – it was fantastic to see so may of you in person once again, thank you to everyone who came to an event, we look forward to seeing you again in 2023!
Whilst it was wonderful to be back hearing our speakers deliver their presentations in person, we were delighted to see our online audience still have a huge hunger and desire to watch our on demand content.
With that in mind here are our top 10 most viewed festival presentations of the year, thank you to all of our speakers and viewers as always.