Maternity & Midwifery Forum
Midwifery Sector News

Optimizing the use of Caesarean Section

In October 2018, The Lancet published an epidemiological report   on global use of caesarean sections – it put the UK figure at just over 26% of all births.  This comes, perhaps not coincidentally, at a time when tokophobia (the extreme fear of birth) seems to be on the rise.

Professor Marleen Temmerman has, aside from a stint in Belgian politics in the 2000s, been working in and around obstetrics and gynaecology since the 1980s.  When she isn’t being name-dropped by U2 for her efforts for women’s health and rights, she’s being described as “a polymath in reproductive health” by The Lancet.  Here she presents the work of The Lancet C-Section Series Writing Group – Optimizing the Use of Caesarean Section.

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