We are researchers from the University of Central Lancashire who are undertaking a project funded by the Lancashire and South Cumbria Local Maternity System. The
Welcome to the Saolta Group Online Midwifery Festival! *EVENT TEMPORARILY POSTPONED DUE TO THE HSE CYBER ATTACK* The Saolta Group Online Midwifery Festival will be
Two years ago, I set up Mothership Writers, running creative writing courses especially for new mums. I’ve now carried out more than a hundred workshops
Planning a birth is a concept that has become part of our colloquial language in our childbirth journeys; choosing the environment, care provider and circumstances
Welcome to the All-Ireland Maternity & Midwifery Online Festival 2021! The All-Ireland Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2021 will be live streamed on this page on
On January 14th 2021, the next confidential enquiry into maternal deaths, Saving lives, Improving care for 2016-18 was released from MBRRACE-UK (Mothers and Babies: Reducing
Monica Tolofori, Consultant Midwife and Linn Shepherd, Researcher and retired Midwife give a presentation on “Induction of labour – challenging unlicensed synthetic oxytocin in obstetrics”