Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Submit a Conference Paper

This submission form is for all of our forthcoming Maternity and Midwifery Festivals.

Please attach your conference paper or abstract in pdf or word format (ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, pdf, doc, docx) along with any accompanying images (jpeg, jpg, png)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, , Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Presenter Consent(Required)
    I hereby give my consent to the presenter consent points listed below regarding my presentation at the forthcoming conference.

    Presenter Consent Points

    Please make sure you are happy with these before submitting: 1. Policy Review Projects Ltd may record my presentation on film, tape, disk or other forms of media. 2. My name, voice, likeness, and biographic or other information may be used by Policy Review Projects Ltd in connection with my presentation and/or recording. Copies of any visual aids and other materials used or provided by me may be made and distributed by Policy Review Projects Ltd in connection with the presentation. 3. I grant to Policy Review Projects Ltd on a nonexclusive basis the right to reproduce, distribute, display, and provide recordings of my presentation and presentation materials, in whole or in part, as well as my name, voice, and likeness, by means of the Internet, via physical media, and through photographic images. 4. To the extent my presentation or presentation materials are protected by copyright law, I reserve those rights to myself except as granted above. 5. The presentation and presentation materials are my own original material for which I have full authority to grant the rights set forth in this Consent and Release Form. 6. The rights set forth in this Consent and Release Form are granted on a royalty free and irrevocable basis.