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Baby loss Archives - Maternity & Midwifery Forum
Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Baby loss

Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Support ME Maternal Project: Culturally-aligned postnatal support

We are sadly becoming more aware of the trauma some women experience after birth. But what about those from more culturally diverse backgrounds? Illustrating with her personal story Manisha Sheth, Support ME Maternal Project CIC Director, explains why more needs to be offered and the background to the charity. __________________________________________________________________ ......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Early pregnancy loss care and support: research invitation 

Pregnancy loss at any time is traumatic for women and their families. If you are involved in care during early pregnancy. The Pregnancy Loss Research Network at the University of Bedford would like your help as they research support and care experiences.   __________________________________________________________________  Do you provide early pregnancy loss......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Baby loss in the UK: Reflecting on the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Surveillance Report “State of the Nation”

Any loss of a baby is tragic and has far-reaching consequences. In this article Olanma Ogbuehi, Midwifery Lecturer, University of Hull, explores the recent MBRRACE-UK report focussing on perinatal deaths in 2021 and discusses the fluctuations in data.   __________________________________________________ This year, “Baby Loss Awareness Week” takes place in the shadow......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

The National Bereavement Care Pathway

In this article Marc Harder, Head of Bereavement Care & Hospital Liaison, Sands, explains the need for Baby Loss Awareness week. He highlights the inconsistency of support across services and draws attention to the National Bereavement Care pathway, to provide a framework and standardise bereavement care for all parents at......

When choice is taken away empowering families when facing decisions about baby loss

Enabling expectant parents to make informed choices about pregnancy and birth has been a key concern for both parents-to-be and maternity professionals over the past few years.  For pregnant women in the UK, it seems there have never been so many options. Sadly, when a baby dies – in utero......

When choice is taken away: empowering families when facing decisions about baby loss

Steph Wild, Founder and Chris Binnie, Trustee of the charity Beyond Bea give a presentation discussing “When choice is taken away: empowering families when facing decisions about baby loss” at the London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2020. Beyond Bea is a charity focusing on raising awareness about baby loss and......