Maternity & Midwifery Forum


Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Support ME Maternal Project: Culturally-aligned postnatal support

We are sadly becoming more aware of the trauma some women experience after birth. But what about those from more culturally diverse backgrounds? Illustrating with her personal story Manisha Sheth, Support ME Maternal Project CIC Director, explains why more needs to be offered and the background to the charity. __________________________________________________________________ ......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Early pregnancy loss care and support: research invitation 

Pregnancy loss at any time is traumatic for women and their families. If you are involved in care during early pregnancy. The Pregnancy Loss Research Network at the University of Bedford would like your help as they research support and care experiences.   __________________________________________________________________  Do you provide early pregnancy loss......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Birth Companions: Considering new guidance on sentencing pregnant and postnatal women to prison 

In April, the Sentencing Council for England and Wales issued new guidance on sentencing pregnant and postnatal women to prison. Birth Companions is a national charity working to support perinatal women in the criminal justice system and Katherine Miller Brunton, Policy, Communications and Engagement Officer, reflects on this development.   __________________________________________________________________ ......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Matrescence: On the Metamorphosis of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood

A book has recently been published in paperback that considers the concept of motherhood. Dr Jenny Hall, Midwifery Editor, MATFLIX and the Maternity and Midwifery Forum, presents the book and discusses why it may be important to read it. __________________________________________________________________  A new book to consider – Matrescence: On the Metamorphosis......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Personalised maternity care conference: Building on Ockendon

There is no question maternity services in the UK are experiencing struggles at this time. There is much that can, and needs to be, done to improve circumstances. In this article Dr Claire Feeley Lecturer (Research & Teaching)  from King’s College London provides views on the issues and discusses why......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Queen Elizabeth’s Royal births: transforming the monarchy

This week the UK is celebrating 70 years of Queen Elizabeth II on the throne. In this article Dr Jenny Hall, Editor, MATFLIX briefly examines the births of the royal children in the context of the time, and challenges others to take up researching history. _______________________________________________________________ In this week in......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Black Maternity Matters: maternity care improvement project

Last week two important reports demonstrating racism across UK Maternity services were released. In this week’s article Ann Remmers, Maternal and Neonatal Clinical lead, West of England Academic Health Science Network, shares a co-produced project to improve the care of Black women in the South West Region. _______________________________________________________________    In......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

The FiveXMore and Birthrights reports: individual and systemic racism

This week two key reports on the experiences of Black and Brown women and staff in maternity services has gathered much attention in the UK press this week. Dr Jenny Hall presents the content and considers the implications. _______________________________________________________________   Racism strongly exists in UK maternity services. The clarity of this......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

World Breastfeeding Week 2021

World Breastfeeding Week
Photo courtesy Public Health England World Breastfeeding Week aims to highlight the huge benefits that breastfeeding can bring to both the health and welfare of babies, as well as a wider push for maternal health, focusing on good nutrition, poverty reduction and food security. The event is organised every year......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Midwifery Education Practice in Uganda

Midwifery Education Practice in Uganda
Bike ambulance driver Grace Kakyo transports a patient in northern Uganda. Photo courtesy CA Bikes Alternatives to traditional ambulances are improving health access In the absence of an ambulance, patients — especially women in labor — have challenges accessing the nearest health facility. In some districts in Africa, women travel......