Maternity & Midwifery Forum



Midwifery practice & the revised RCOG guidelines on Group B Strep

Jane Plumb, Chief Executive, Group B Strep Support gives a presentation on “Midwifery practice & the revised RCOG guidelines on Group B Strep: insight from affected families” at the London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Find out more about Group B Strep Support on their website here....

Breastfeeding as a public health issue – who really decides how we feed our babies?

Described as “Seriously one of the best talks I’ve EVER heard” Dr Amy Brown, Associate Professor, Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences, Swansea University gives a plenary presentation on “Breastfeeding as a public health issue – who really decides how we feed our babies?” at the Maternity, Midwifery and Baby Manchester......