Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Independent Consultant Midwife

Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News Midwifery Sector News

‘Stranger in the Birth Room – Child Sexual Abuse and Maternity Care’

In this powerful and personal article Dr Kathryn Gutteridge, Independent Consultant Midwife, explains the importance of addressing the impacts of Child Sexual abuse in maternity care. She points to a forthcoming book to help practitioners. Trigger Warning: this article contains information that may be cause distress. I have worked for......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News Midwifery Sector News

The Birth Experience Study (BESt) UK

Establishing the experiences of women during birth is key to making improvements to care. Dr Claire Feeley, principal investigator, and Dr Gemma McKenzie, research associate, at King’s College, London, are undertaking such a study (BESt) and invite us all to be involved. The state of our maternity services is in the......