Watch on demand below – the full video box set will be available shortly
At various points during the festival you have a choice of different parallel seminar streams to participate in.
Please use the links below to access these seminars at the appropriate time, check the agenda for full details of all parallel seminars. If you are joining Stream B or Stream C – these will open in a new window, Stream A will play on this page.
IMPORTANT: If you are joining Streams B or C please remember to close the live stream page or mute the video player, otherwise you will get audio from both streams simultaneously.
B4: Maternity Wellbeing Clinic – Swansea Bay Health Board | ONLY AVAILABLE TO VIEW IN THE ON DEMAND BOX SET AFTER THE EVENT
C4: Public health: making every contact count | ONLY AVAILABLE TO VIEW IN THE ON DEMAND BOX SET AFTER THE EVENT
Speaker presentation slides and other relevant festival documentation are available for delegates to access via the link below.
Access your Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2023 delegate resources here.
09:30 Chair’s opening remarks and welcome
Sue Macdonald, Maternity and Midwifery Festival Programme Curator and Editor, Mayes Midwifery
09:45 Lessons from the “The Autistic pregnancy, birth and beyond: your questions answered” Project
Dr Aimee Grant, Senior Lecturer – Public Health, University of Swansea
10:10 Retaining students – give them some love!
Dr Jenny Hall, Midwifery Lecturer; Editor, Maternity and Midwifery Forum
10:35 Audience Q&A
10:45 Break
11:25 A midwife’s tale’: personal reflections
Professor Billie Hunter, RCM Professor of Midwifery, Cardiff University
11:45 Going digital, going global
Hannah Tizard, Education and Organisational Development Lead Midwife, All4Maternity
Neil Stewart, Editorial Director, Maternity and Midwifery Forum | MATFLIX
12:05 Audience Q&A
12:20: Announcement of the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Forum Trailblazers Award Winners
12:30 Break
13:30 Parallel Seminars
A1: Finding the formula: using community science to explore the real-world experiences of formula preparation
Dr Sara Jones, Senior Lecturer, University of Swansea
B1: Birth before arrival at hospital: measuring and managing newborn temperature in the South West of England
Dr Laura Goodwin, Associate Professor in Emergency Care, University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol
C1: Gentle birth for a peaceful earth : pregnancy and birth from the baby’s perspective and how that might impact their lives and community
Rachel Giaccone, Holistic Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Education, Craniosacral Therapist; former NHS Midwife
14:05 Parallel Seminars
A2: We’re there as a sister, an auntie, a friend’: How the Cardiff-based Birth Partner Project supports women seeking sanctuary, who would otherwise give birth alone
Laura Santana, Chair of Trustees, The Birth Partner Project; Midwife, University Hospital of Wales
B2: PERIPrem Cymru – a commitment to improving outcomes for preterm babies in Wales
Laura Clarke, PERIPrem Cymru Lead Midwife and Cara Moore, Lead Midwife, Wales Maternity and Neonatal Network
C2: The evidence based early labour app for an emotionally safe birth
Emilie Wicks, Midwife, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
14:35 Break
15:10 Parallel Seminars
A3: Partnership working with women and families: the NMC view
Dr Jacqui Williams, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Education), Professional Practice Directorate, NMC
B3: Exploring student midwives’ experiences of belonging during online learning in a pandemic
Hollie Posthill, Senior Lecturer & Midwife, Jersey General Hospital
C3: Pregnancy Associated Osteoporosis (PAO): How new groundbreaking UK research is improving medical knowledge & clinical care
Karen Whitehead MBE, Co-ordinator, Pregnancy Associated Osteoporosis (PAO) Patient Group UK
15:45 Parallel Seminars
A4: Tommy’s specialist helpline for Black and Black Mixed-Heritage women and birthing people
Amina Hatia, Midwifery Manager, and Alicia Burnett, Midwife and Founder of Black Baby Loss Awareness Week, Tommy’s
B4: Improving care to women, babies and families: Maternity Wellbeing Clinic – Swansea Bay Health Board
Ann-Marie Thomas, Perinatal Mental Health Midwife, Jennifer Berrett, Clinical Psychologist and Matt Lewis, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Swansea Bay Health Board
C4: Public health: making every contact count
Judith Cutter, Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
16.15 Festival closes
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Please complete the evaluation form below to receive your certificate of attendance and to help us plan for future maternity & midwifery festivals.
Complete and submit your online evaluation form. It is important to demonstrate continuing professional development for your revalidation so we ask you to complete this online evaluation form to demonstrate key learning outcomes from the day, engagement with our supporters and give your feedback for future festivals.
We constantly monitor the live stream on multiple devices in a variety of locations to ensure it’s quality. If there is a problem with the stream we will let viewers know immediately in the chat box. If you are experiencing problems viewing the stream and there is no announcement in the chat, the likelihood is that the issue is local rather than general. Here are the most common issues viewers encounter:
Browser: Please do not try to watch this stream using internet explorer. Internet explorer does not support live streaming, we recommend using Google Chrome (PC) or Safari (Mac) as your browser to view this live stream and participate in the chat.
Internet speed: The most common issue viewers face is a weak or unreliable WiFi/Broadband signal. As a first point of action simply pause the live stream video for 10 seconds and then press play again. This will allow the video to catch up with itself. If your signal is really weak and dropping out the video will keep freezing or buffering. Check your internet connection using Which Broadband Speed Test. A download speed of 3mbps or higher should mean you are able to play the video. In the worst case scenario try sending the link to this page to your mobile phone and disconnecting your phone from WiFi. If your phone has a good 3G or 4G signal, you should be able to play the video.
Firewalls: If you are attempting to watch this live stream on a device provided by your hospital/employer there may be a built in firewall that blocks live streaming video. This is especially common with devices provided by healthcare organisations. If this is the case please try using your own personal laptop/tablet/phone.
Other wifi users: If you are viewing this live stream from home and other members of your household are also using the WiFi to download files, watch live streaming TV such as Netflix or play online games, this may put undue stress on your WiFi and effect the quality of your stream.
Cloud Services: Live streaming video does not function in many cloud services. Come out of your employer’s Cloud/IT system and open this in an external browser.
Memory: If your device is struggling for memory space the live stream will not play correctly. Reduce the number of other windows and tabs you have open and shut down all unnecessary programmes other than the ones you need to watch this stream.
Battery: Make sure your device is plugged in or has plenty of battery!
If you are experiencing any issues and would like to speak to us please contact Paul Rushworth on +44 (0)7709 145 234 or email [email protected].