Why contribute?
Your contribution to the Maternity & Midwifery Forum helps build new free professional education, revalidation and CPD digital resources for midwifery and maternity professionals. Your support keeps Maternity & Midwifery Festivals free to attend, weekly newsletters free and the free weekly maternity and midwifery hour podcast generating the most up to date news and research.
Through your support for the Maternity & Midwifery Forum you are helping the professional world of maternity services meet the need for trusted online digital education and training material that can be viewed, everywhere in the world on anything, from lecture theatres to mobile phones.
Your support helps to meet the costs of filming the teaching resources, building the catalogues, the online platforms and the secure technology and turning them into box sets for universities and hospitals.
You are helping to open unique maternity and midwifery resources to the world making MATFLIX available to students and staff in low and middle income countries.
In short you help keep all of our festivals and other resources free to access.
Any contribution of £30 or over will also receive a one year subscription to MATFLIX. Normally £108.