Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Non-surgical solutions to Diastasis recti & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Wendy Powell, CEO and Founder, MUTU System gives a presentation discussing “Non-surgical solutions to Diastasis recti & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction” at the London Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2019. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend, regional professional development forums for healthcare practitioners wishing to update their skills and......

The changing practice of midwifery

To the public the practice of midwifery seems timeless with a steady story of progress, increased knowledge and professional practice with added support from modern medicine, science and surgery. A steady straight line of improvement in mortality, clinical practice and understanding.  But that is not the case.  Modern maternity practices,......

All your prenatal questions answered

Whether you’re newly pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you might be wondering about prenatal testing. The good news is, advances in technology mean there are more options for early and more accurate screening. A simple blood draw can usually give you the information you are looking for from as early......

Getting through the challenges – Professor Dame Elizabeth N Anionwu DBE CBE

Professor Dame Elizabeth N Anionwu DBE CBE, Emeritus Professor of Nursing, University of West London; Patron, Sickle Cell Society; Vice-President, CPHVA; Patron, Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK and Life Patron, Mary Seacole Trust gives a presentation on “Getting through the challenges” at the Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2019. Our......

Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2019 Award Winners Announced

Midwives from across the Midlands were honoured at the second annual Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards this week. The Awards ceremony took place at the King Power Stadium in Leicester on Tuesday 9th April, the big winners on the day included Melanie Wildman, Postnatal War Manager, Royal Oldham Hospital;......

Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards 2019

Midlands 2019 Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards Presentations from Narrowcast Media Group on Vimeo. Midwives from across the Midlands were honoured at the second annual Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards this week. The Awards ceremony took place at the King Power Stadium in Leicester on Tuesday 9th April, the......

Improving birth outcomes through education and training in Sierra Leone – Helena White

Improving birth outcomes through education and training in Sierra Leone – Helena White, Midwife, The African Maternity Link from Narrowcast Media Group on Vimeo. Helena White, Midwife, The African Maternity Link gives a presentation discussing “Improving birth outcomes through education and training in Sierra Leone” at the London Maternity &......

Breaking through despite the odds – Professor Dame Elizabeth N Anionwu DBE CBE

Professor Dame Elizabeth N Anionwu DBE CBE #maternity #midwifery #studentmidwife Emeritus Professor of Nursing, University of West London; Patron, Sickle Cell Society; Vice-President, CPHVA; Patron, Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK and Life Patron, Mary Seacole Trust gives a presentation “Breaking through despite the odds” at the London Maternity & Midwifery......