Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Midwives for Africa – A Call for Volunteers

Life for African Mothers (formerly Hope for Grace Kodindo) was formed following the screening of BBC Panorama’s “Dead Mums Don’t Cry” in 2005. The programme showed the tragedy of maternal mortality in Chad, one of Sub-Saharan Africa’s poorest countries, where in one hospital, at least one woman was dying every......

New crowdfunding campaign announced for innovative ‘Safe Sleep Seat’

Cambridge-based Baby Safe Ltd have announced a crowdfunding campaign for their ‘Safe Sleep Seat’, an innovative remotely reclining child car seat. Entrepreneur, mother and former Police Office Lisa Walford has been working on designs for the product since her own daughters were babies. In the year’s since she has carried out......

Your Birth: Stories from midwifery led areas

A new book by midwives from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board aims to promote confidence in the birth process and redress the balance of negative media around birth. Written by Emma Mills, Clinical Research Midwife and Louise Taylor, Consultant Midwife, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Your Birth: Stories from midwifery led areas is a collection of......

Baby Steps, making a difference in Wiltshire

Emma Glendinning, Baby Steps Operational lead for Wiltshire, Salisbury Foundation Trust and Victoria Joel, Implementation Manager, NSPCC give a a presentation on “Baby Steps, making a difference in Wiltshire” – a perinatal education programme for vulnerable parents-to-be – at the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Find......

Highlights from the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018

Highlights from the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend, regional professional development forums for healthcare practitioners wishing to update their skills and knowledge around key issues and keep on top of revalidation requirements. See and hear latest best......

Factors that affect whether Women in Saudi Arabia attend Antenatal Care Clinic Appointments

Wdad Alanazy, PhD Student, Swansea University gives a presentation Exploring Maternal and Health Professional Attitudes to the Factors that affect whether Women in Saudi Arabia attend Antenatal Care Clinic Appointments at the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend,......

WOMAN-SLAUGHTER: Life for African Mothers

Angela Gorman CEO, Life for African Mothers gives a presentation discussing “WOMAN-SLAUGHTER: Life for African Mothers” at the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend, regional professional development forums for healthcare practitioners wishing to update their skills and knowledge......

Fathers’ Fear

Pete Wallroth, Chief Executive, Mummy’s Star gives a presentation on Fathers’ Fear at the Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2018. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend, regional professional development forums for healthcare practitioners wishing to update their skills and knowledge around key issues and......

Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards 2018

Conference chair and Midwifery Consultant, Sue Macdonald with Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer, Welsh Government present the 2018 Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival Awards. Our Maternity & Midwifery Festivals are free to attend, regional professional development forums for healthcare practitioners wishing to update their skills and......