Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Perinatal Mental Health

In my career as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist I have had the great pleasure to treat a number of women and men who have experienced a common mental health disorder, such as anxiety and depression, in the perinatal period. Very early in my career I also worked on a specialist......

The importance of optimal/delayed cord clamping for every baby – Amanda Jayne Burleigh, Independent Midwife

Amanda Jayne Burleigh an Independent Midwife gives a seminar titled “Whose blood is it anyway? The importance of optimal/delayed cord clamping for every baby” at the Maternity, Midwifery and Baby Bristol 2017 forum. Midwives and other healthcare professionals are at the forefront of caring for and safeguarding their clients’ wellbeing......

It’s Hay Fever Season – Allergy UK

  18 million people in the UK suffer from hay fever[1], a number that is increasing year on year. When in season, hay fever can affect people’s lives quite significantly. Those with hay fever symptoms can often find it difficult to complete everyday tasks such as driving to work, completing......

New Diagnostic Test for Amniotic Leaks

Vaginal wetness is common during pregnancy. Around 20% of pregnant women report to hospital[1] or birth units reporting wetness. In most cases, it is harmless, resulting from urinary incontinence or changes to the vaginal secretions. However, dampness may indicate a rupture of the membranes. Unless there is an obvious rupture,......

The Non-Invasive Prenatal Test: Views of People with Down Syndrome

Read the full report HERE Rapid-fire Policy Recommendations: Individuals considering NIPT should be offered opportunities to understand more about Down syndrome and the value of the lives of individuals with Down syndrome Policymakers should take steps to mitigate the potential for the implementation and presentation of NIPT to be perceived......