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Research Project: The Marketing Practices of Breastmilk Substitutes (BMS), Infant Food, Bottles and Teats

By Jeni Stevens, midwifery lecturer from Western Sydney University, Australia

Would you like to take part in an international research project? Jeni Stevens, midwifery lecturer from Western Sydney University, Australia, invites participants for a project on Breastmilk substitute marketing.


Do you live in the UK, USA, Canada or Australia?  If so, you will be able to participate in this study:

Surveying the Landscape of Breastmilk Substitute (BMS) Marketing Practices in Four Countries


The “International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes” (WHO Code), which was formally adopted in 1981 (World Health Organization, 1981), and the subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions, were written to stop the unethical marketing of products that can interfere with breastfeeding These include breast milk substitutes (Infant formula; toddler milks & other milks), other foods and beverages promoted for use before 6 months of age, bottles and teats (World Health Organization, 2017). The WHO Code aims to reduce the risk of dangerous marketing practices that negatively affects the health of women, children and their families.


This study aims to help determine if the WHO Code is effective in stopping WHO Code breaches.


If you choose to be a participant, you will be encouraged to complete missions/scavenger hunts by seeking out and taking photos of WHO Code violations and uploading them into the GooseChase Adventures application.


This study was approved by Western Sydney University HREC: H15331


We are inviting anybody from the UK, USA, Canada, or Australia to participate in this study.


If you are interested in learning more about this research study and signing up to

participate, please visit:

Should you have any questions about this study prior to, or after, signing up, please contact Ellie Mulpeter at: or Jeni Stevens at:

August 2023