Maternity & Midwifery Forum



Midwifery’s complicated relationship with gender

Ana Correia
There are a significant number of men who are midwives globally. This opportunity has been available in the UK since 1982, yet there remain few within the NHS. Dr John Pendleton, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery (University of Northampton) & Honorary Research Fellow (Coventry University) reflects on their history, current attitudes......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News Uncategorised Uncategorized

What is reported and what is real in Maternity

Ana Correia
Access to news reporting has never been more available, with the internet and social media constantly on tap. The rise of the need for ‘fact-checking’ has also become more prevalent, as the truth of reports is questioned. Neil Stewart, Editorial Director of the maternity and midwifery forum, considers some of......

Maternity’s Big Ask – Have your say

Recently Neil Stewart, Editorial Director of Maternity & Midwifery forum posted an article on Maternity’s Big Ask where he asked the Secretary of State for Health if he is resigned and comfortable with the rate of Caesarean section reaching 50% on his watch and questioned what is the Big Ask......

The NMC are hosting a webinar

As part of the review of Advanced Practice for nursing and midwifery, the NMC four country midwifery advisers are hosting a webinar. The webinar will discuss advanced practice midwifery and we’ll cover what advanced midwifery practice is, the clinical areas advanced practitioners are working in, what it means for and......

The Midwives Twitch – The Art and Science of Midwifery Intuition 

Intuition is a recognised way of knowing and valued by midwives (Barnfather, 2013). However, what components of midwifery knowledge enable the phenomenon of midwifery intuition? Dr Elaine Moore, a retired midwife from Ayrshire, Scotland, a recent presenter at the MMF Festival in Edinburgh, shares some theoretical findings from her recent......

Candidiasis and Mastitis during breastfeeding research project- your help needed

Candidiasis and Mastitis are a common condition during breastfeeding. Yet there is little evidence on healthcare providers knowledge. Cato Baetens from the University of Brussels (VUB), is undertaking a Masters level project and invites European health carers to respond to a survey.  __________________________________ Do you want to support research in......

Vaccinations in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The information on whether to have vaccinations during pregnancy and breastfeeding (or even breastfeeding when pregnant) is often confusing and frightening to women. As a result, women may refuse or feel forced into having the vaccination without full information. In this article Wendy Jones PhD MRPharmS MBE, pharmacist dispels some of......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News Uncategorised

Scotland Maternity & Midwifery Festival – Tuesday 26 November

The Scotland Maternity & Midwifery Festival takes place on Tuesday 26 November online and in-person at Murrayfield Stadium. Bringing you the latest clinical and research innovations, Meet the Expert talks, careers and self development advice, networking opportunities and diverse exhibition – all to your door step.   Join us at Murrayfield......