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Unconscious bias – should there be a concern about unconscious incompetence?

March 21st was the international day for the elimination of racial discrimination. In this article Sarah Esegbona-Adeigbe, Senior Midwifery lecturer at London South Bank university,
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Tackling Bias in Healthcare Settings: Developing a Health Inequalities Strategy across the South East Region

It is of concern that there is inequity of access and outcomes within maternity services. Aiming to address the inequity the perinatal mental health team
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

INFANT MENTAL HEALTH: Focus on parent-infant relationships to give babies the best start in life

Globally midwives have an important role in supporting the attachment of parents to their new baby in the early weeks after birth. It is of