The Sick Film is a soon to be released short film production by presenter Charlotte Howden and Good Guys Productions. Charlotte suffered with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
NHS England describes Evidence Based Practice as meaning that every time a health professional makes a treatment decision, that decision is based on the best
After facing down calls to quit in Spring 2019 following a damning report into Cwm Taf maternity services, Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social
On Wednesday 18th September around 400 Midwives, Student Midwives and Health Care Practitioners are expected to gather at Cardiff City Stadium to attend the Wales &
The Wales & South West Maternity & Midwifery Festival takes place at Cardiff City Stadium on Wednesday 18th September 2019. The festival will feature our usual
Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health: Partnership in Practice is a new professional interest group of nurse and midwife practitioners working in contexts where access