Maternity & Midwifery Forum

midwifery education

Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Working through COVID: A reflection on a shift

At the start of the COVID pandemic member of the RCN Midwifery Forum Committee, and Maternity and Midwifery steering group, Judy Evans, practising bank midwife and nurse signed up with NHS England to offer service. No immediate work was offered (thousands had no doubt signed up plus returnees to the......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

March with Midwives: Is This Our Moment?

In November 2021 a vigil, March with Midwives,  was held by birthworkers and birth supporters across the country to support midwives against a backdrop of poor staffing levels and the continued political and media storm.  A further demonstration of support is to be held on March 13th in London and......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

HIV in Pregnancy

March 1st is international Zero Discrimination day for HIV led by the United Nations. HIV remains of global concern, with many lacking the access to life-saving antiretroviral treatment. In this article Professor Yvonne Gilleece, Honorary Clinical Professor and Consultant in HIV and Sexual Health, Brighton & Sussex Medical School and......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Supporting the National Strategy for Midwifery in the United Arab Emirates

Supporting the National Strategy for Midwifery in the United Arab Emirates   In this second article (see the first here ), Gina (Georgina Sosa) PhD, Midwife, Assistant Professor of midwifery reflects on the progression of the #MidwiferyinAbuDhabi journey   Our journey to develop a high-quality midwifery degree programme in the......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Midwifery Continuity of Carer at the sharp end: Do we take off, taxi the runway or return to the place we came from…?

Joanne Crawford is Head of Midwifery in an England NHS Trust moving toward full continuity of carer for maternity services. She reflects personally on her experience of leading the developments and the challenges faced to support staff through the changes.   Midwifery Continuity of Carer at the sharp end: Do......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

The National Maternity and Perinatal Audit: inequalities through COVID-19

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on many walks of life are slowly coming into the public domain. In this article Kirstin Webster, ANNP and NMPA Neonatal Clinical Fellow, describes the role of the National Maternity and Perinatal Audit, presenting results from research using the audit’s data on births during......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

The Power of the Midwife: skills for recognising cancer

This month sees a global focus on cancer on World Cancer day. In this article Jude Jones, midwife advisor, and Pete Wallroth, Founder and CEO for Mummy’s Star, discuss the importance of the role of the midwife in recognising symptoms that could be pointing to cancer.   In Mummy’s star......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Perinatal Oral Health

MOTHER OF MOLARS Oral Health Promotion – Project by Preetee Hylton RDN Preetee Hylton is a restorative/implant dental nurse at No8 Partnership in London, an ambassador and study club co-director for International Team for Implantology Dental Nurses and the creator of Mother of Molars. The pandemic has affected all of......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Maternal Mental Health: a new model of care for women, midwives and health visitors

Midwives and health visitors at the heart of a new model of care for women with common maternal mental health problems   It is known that 1 in 5 women and birthing people will experience maternal mental health problems and they are one of the leading causes of death during......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery News

Midwives in Focus: Surviving & Thriving in Midwifery

In this article Dr Sally Pezaro provides information and encourages us to be involved in an exciting global initiative for the Nursing Now Challenge. As a midwife dedicated to the profession, I have always been keen to undertake big and bold projects which really make a global positive impact on......