Maternity & Midwifery Forum


Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News

Maternity & Midwifery Forum – Top 10 viewed videos of 2024

As Christmas approaches we have looked over our statistics from the last year to put together our top 10 most viewed videos of 2024. It has undoubtedly proved yet another very challenging year for Midwifery, which makes us even more grateful for your support over the last 12 months. We......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News

Simulated Practice Learning for Midwives: A Solution to Placement Challenges? 

Globally the shortage of skilled midwives is at a critical state. Across the UK the shortage continues, with pressure on placements to support an increased number of students. Hannah Tizard, Midwife, Educator and e-Learn Innovator addresses the new NMC report on simulated practice learning for nursing students and asks if......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News

The Power of Midwifery Societies: creating lasting connections and harnessing the power of enthusiasm 

It is of continued concern the pressure student midwives are under across the UK, trying to make ends meet while fulfilling all the course requirements. Midwifery societies have a role in providing peer support. Mira Waligora, part 3 MSc Midwifery Student, University of the West of Scotland shares how their......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News

Undergraduate Systematic physical examination of the newborn- impact and effectiveness

Systematic physical examination of the newborn (SPEN) has been included in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Pre-Registration Midwifery Education since 2019. It is expected to be part of the programme, with students able to undertake SPEN at qualification. Sarah Milnes, and Lucy Bradley, Midwifery Lecturers, University of......
Midwifery Feature Articles

Continuing the journey of Midwifery Education in Abu Dhabi 

For the past three years we have been following the journey of Georgina Sosa and Maeve O’Connell as they have been developing a high quality midwifery degree programme in Abu Dhabi. In this article Maeve shares the next part of their story and developments being made.  __________________________ This year has......
Midwifery Feature Articles

Redefining the Role of an Educator: Becoming a Learning Companion for an Inclusive and Humanised Learning Approach

As midwives we are all ‘educators’ whether in theory or practice. In this personal, reflective article from Dana Colbourne, Registered Midwife, EDI Ally & Learning Companion, reveals her journey to seeing ‘education’ differently and calls us to a more humanised learning approach.    _____________________________ As a wife, mother of two young......
Midwifery Feature Articles Midwifery Sector News

Can dietetic-led nutrition education sessions support student midwives to have more meaningful conversations about diet during antenatal care?

Helping women and birthing people with nutrition in pregnancy is important for their wellbeing and that of the unborn fetus. Yet, there is little attention given to education to enable students to have meaningful conversations. Dr Julie Abayomi, RD, Associate Head of Medicine & Nutrition, Edge Hill University, who will......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

Safeguarding Competency in Preceptorship

In a previous article Gaynor Morrison and Sharon Bunford introduced Safeguarding supervision in midwifery. They take the discussion further, exploring developing competency of safeguarding during preceptorship.  _________________________________________________ This article aims to highlight three main identified tiers of provision of Safeguarding within an Acute NHS Trust to promote cohesion and aid......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

The Midwifery Preceptorship Framework for Scotland – an overview

This week the Maternity and Midwifery Forum’s Scotland Festival took place in Edinburgh. Dr Maria Pollard, Deputy Director NMAHP/Lead Midwife, and Tom McEwan, Head of Programme, NHS Education for Scotland spoke at the festival and in this article they share information on the National Midwifery Preceptorship Framework for Scotland.   _________________________________________________......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

There’s a hole in your bucket, dear Vicky, a hole

In the UK we have a new Secretary of State for Health. Neil Stewart, Editorial Director, reflects on the recent Maternity and Midwifery Forum’s annual midwifery education conference, “Educating Future Midwives, raising points for midwives to shout about in the political arena. _________________________________________________ There’s a hole in your bucket, dear......