Dr Maeve O’Connell, Senior Lecturer -Midwifery, Cardiff University gives a presentation discussing Interventions for fear of childbirth at the All-Ireland Maternity & Midwifery Festival 2021.
Lynda Moore, Staff Midwife Cork University Maternity Hospital, Member, INMO Midwifery Executive Council gives a presentation discussing Challenges facing midwifery in Ireland at the All-Ireland
Tanya Capper, Registered Midwife, PhD Candidate, CQ University Australia gives a presentation discussing Midwifery students’ experiences of being bullied on placement at the London Maternity
Benash Nazmeen, Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and Illiyin Morrison, Founder of Mixing up Motherhood; Midwife; Hypnobirthing teacher and Mum discuss Conversations
Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent OBE, Chief Midwifery Officer for England gives the keynote address, discussing Midwives, Maternity and COVID-19, at the London Maternity & Midwifery Festival
Almost 7,500 healthcare professionals have now signed up to be able to send digital certificates. Midwives, practice nurses and health visitors can register to issue
Welcome to the Midlands Maternity & Midwifery Online Festival 2021! The Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2021 will be live streamed on this page on
Last week saw the celebratory meeting online to report on the fifth year of progress of the Better Births maternity transformation for England. For those