Maternity & Midwifery Forum


Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

New International Guidelines for Pregnancy and Childbearing with Hypermobility: A Person-Centred, Evidence-Based Approach 

May is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness month. It is a condition that may affect a significant number of people considering pregnancy. Dr Sally Pezaro, Assistant Professor (Research), Centre for Healthcare and Communities, Coventry university, and an international research team, have been working on new guidelines for pregnancy to help support those......
Midwifery Feature Articles Uncategorised

The Birth Trauma Report: Midwifery’s Opportunity & Dilemma

Increasing levels of trauma from the birth process is being recognised globally. In the UK a cross party Parliamentary group has published a report on Birth trauma, Listen to Mums: Ending the Postcode Lottery on Perinatal Care. Neil Stewart, Editorial Director for the Maternity and Midwifery forum, reflects on the......