Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Informed Consent

Midwifery Sector News

Trisomy Screening and the Legal Standard of Consent

Trisomy Screening
Following the recent UK NSC recommendation [1] to implement screening and testing for Edwards’ Syndrome and Patau’s Syndrome [2] into existing Down’s Syndrome screening programmes, [3] I am currently undertaking an ESRC-funded PhD project in Law at Swansea University that explores whether expectant parents are giving informed consent for NHS......
Midwifery Sector News

Informed Consent: Human Rights and Respect in Maternity Care

“This was never about blame, this was never about a particular doctor getting in trouble… this was about me wanting to understand what had happened to me and to make sure it never happened to another person.” The Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board consent case [2015] resulted in legally enforced......