patient autonomy
Last chance saloon or a ray of hope? COP26 climate change and midwifery practice
In this important blog, Lorna Davies RM, PHD. PGCE(A), Principal Lecturer, School of Midwifery, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand, discusses the COP 26 climate summit. She calls  for midwives, as public health professionals, to be aware and responsive to the current climate emergency. On 31st October 2021, the 26th UN......
Trisomy Screening and the Legal Standard of Consent
Following the recent UK NSC recommendation [1] to implement screening and testing for Edwards’ Syndrome and Patau’s Syndrome [2] into existing Down’s Syndrome screening programmes, [3] I am currently undertaking an ESRC-funded PhD project in Law at Swansea University that explores whether expectant parents are giving informed consent for NHS......