Maternity & Midwifery Forum

Midwifery Feature Articles

Midwifery Feature Articles

MMF launches MATFLIX – your revalidation made easy

Today the Maternity & Midwifery Forum launches MATFLIX – video streaming from maternity experts. Subscribe today for expertly curated boxsets for maternity and midwifery professionals. Individual boxsets are £17.50 each. At MATFLIX we bring together expert videos talks from top maternity professionals into boxsets to support your continued professional development, study......
Midwifery Feature Articles

Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health

Nurses and Midwives for Inclusion Health: Partnership in Practice is a new professional interest group of nurse and midwife practitioners working in contexts where access to/uptake of health services is limited as a result of marginalisation, discrimination or lack of awareness. Examples of these practice areas include: homeless health, migrant/refugee......
Midwifery Feature Articles

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work

Maternity and pregnancy discrimination is unfortunately still very common, what advice can midwives give to women who are experiencing discrimination or unfair treatment? Here we explain how to negotiate an exit from an employer. You can also read our separate page: 10 tips for returning from maternity leave. What is......
Midwifery Feature Articles

New report spotlights how housing problems jeopardise women’s rights to safe maternity care

A report published recently by the charities Birth Companions and Birthrights highlights the need for a more proactive, integrated approach to addressing the maternity care needs of women experiencing multiple disadvantages during pregnancy and early motherhood. Through in-depth interviews with women and professionals, the research found that, in almost every......
Midwifery Feature Articles

More Than Morning Sickness: Understanding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

When we think of pregnancy we imagine rounded bellies nurturing the baby within, expectant mothers adorned in flowing dresses with cascading hair and glowing skin. For those people who want to have children pregnancy is idealised and we anticipate nine months of radiance and happiness shared with family and friends......
Midwifery Feature Articles

All your prenatal questions answered

Whether you’re newly pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you might be wondering about prenatal testing. The good news is, advances in technology mean there are more options for early and more accurate screening. A simple blood draw can usually give you the information you are looking for from as early......
Midwifery Feature Articles

Midwives for Africa – A Call for Volunteers

Life for African Mothers (formerly Hope for Grace Kodindo) was formed following the screening of BBC Panorama’s “Dead Mums Don’t Cry” in 2005. The programme showed the tragedy of maternal mortality in Chad, one of Sub-Saharan Africa’s poorest countries, where in one hospital, at least one woman was dying every......